A weekly magazine-format radio show with host denis rancourt
- Every Thursday from 5 to 6pm EST - live from Ottawa, Canada
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Part-1: Liberation radio 700 AM El Salvador - Part-2: Moe Harkat secret trial update with Sophie
The November 18, 2010, Train was in two parts.
In Part-1 the Train was helped by Miriam Mendez of Ottawa in interviewing Brother William Osmar Chamagua director and founder of Radio Cadena Mi Gente 700 AM El Salvador. The associated media network site is HERE.
We learned about a true people's media project with national impact in El Salvador and the brave liberation work of Brother William and his people (mi gente).
In Part-2 the Train welcomed Sophie Harkat to provide us with an update since her last CHUO visit when Moe Harkat and her lived under disturbing house arrest conditions. Canada continues to behave like a police state, with secret trials, hidden evidence, torture, inhuman detainments, and unfair hearings, but at least the bail conditions have largely been lifted.
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